Body Color project approved for EU financing

The "Colour innovation" project is under procedure  BG161PO003-2.1.11 "Technological modernization for small and medium-sized enterprises".


Presently, the company's paints are solvent-borne. However the EU environment protection policy demands the member-countries to take strict measures to prevent or reduce air pollution from volatile organic compounds (VOC). To enforce this, government decree No 40 dated 23.02.2007 and the corresponding Regulation for limitation of the emissions of volatile organic compounds in certain paints, lacquers and auto-repair products were adopted. The Regulation introduced norms for the maximum allowed contents of VOC in the ready-to-use products, which is 420 g/l for ready-to-use auto-repair paints.


The technology used at present does not meet the above mentioned demands. For this reason, the products must be either exported to markets outside the EU (where there are no VOC limits) or to be delivered to users within Bulgaria and EU who have specially designed installations, permitted and controlled by the local environment protection authorities (which makes users' jobs rather difficult). Because of these limits and the changes required about the use of auto-repair paints, it has become necessary to adopt the production of entirely new type of paints - the waterborne paints. For this type of paints the basic solvent is water, and it makes it possible to meet the VOC requirements for ready-to-use products.


Body Color's present equipment cannot produce waterborne paints, so it has become necessary to purchase a new one comprising:

- dissolver - 1 piece,

- pearl mills - 4  pieces,

- dosing machine - 1 piece,

- deionizer - 1 piece,

- distiller - 1 piece.


To provide for this, the rules prescribe the activities for preparation, organizing and managing of a tender for the choice of supplier/s of equipment and ensuing delivery, assembly, start-up and training of Body Color's personnel for efficient and trouble-free operation of the new equipment.


Foreseen are also activities related to the organization and management of the project such as team set-up, internal monitoring and control, audit, accountability, publicity and visualization of the financial contribution of EU and the Republic of Bulgaria through the European fund for regional development and Operative programme "Promotion of the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy" 2007 - 2013.


The end result of the implementation of this project will be the start-up of the first in Bulgaria line for production of water-borne auto-repair paints, equipped with highly technological, efficient and productive machines, which provide for high competitiveness both on the domestic as well on the markets of the other EU countries.



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